The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

BMC Compuware ISPW Operations Plugin

gitToIspwIntegration: Git to ISPW Integration

Push Git changes to ISPW.

  • app : String (optional)
  • branchMapping : String (optional)
  • connectionId : String (optional)
  • credentialsId : String (optional)
  • gitCredentialsId : String (optional)
  • gitRepoUrl : String (optional)
  • ispwConfigPath : String (optional)
  • runtimeConfig : String (optional)
  • stream : String (optional)

ispwOperation: Perform a Compuware ISPW Rest API Request and return a JSON object

Performs an ISPW Rest API request, and returns a JSON object.

  • connectionId : String (optional)
  • consoleLogResponseBody : boolean (optional)
  • credentialsId : String (optional)
  • ispwAction : String (optional)
  • ispwRequestBody : String (optional)
  • skipWaitingForSet : boolean (optional)

ispwRegisterWebhook: Creates and returns a ISPW webhook that can be used by an external system to notify a pipeline

Returns a unique webhook that can be used with waitForWebhook to block pipeline execution until external notification. The returned webhook has String getToken() and String getURL() methods.

    ispwWaitForWebhook: Wait for ISPW webhook to be posted to by external system

    Blocks on a webhook created with registerWebhook until the registered webhook is posted to. In general, should not be used inside of a node block.
    • webhookToken
      • Type: class com.compuware.ispw.restapi.WebhookToken

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